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Week of 5/4/20

This week in Algebra 1… May 4, 2020

This week we will continue OPERATIONS ON POLYNOMIALS. Monday and Tuesday have been designated as catch up days for students who are now joining continuity of education for the first time.

We will continue to post a HYPERDOC each Monday on Google Classroom with a weekly agenda to guide you through a specific module in Edmentum, scaffolded with videos and Desmos activities.

The May 4th hyperdoc can be found here:

Week of May 4th Hyperdoc.

We have broken down the modules into A/B lessons. If you prefer to keep a daily schedule you may break the FIRST/THEN boxes into two days. We have simply a suggested daily pacing guide to help you work through the modules in a timely, manageable manner.

At the end of each week, we will ask you to complete an exit ticket in the form of a Google Form. These are linked in your hyperdoc. The exit tickets will give us feedback on the amount of work we are assigning and will inform the discussion in our Monday synchronous Google Meet sessions.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your teacher. Our office hours are located here, in Google Classroom, under the ‘Classwork’ tab, under the ‘Office Hours’ topic. Outside of these hours, we will do our best to respond to emails within 24 hours.

  • Monday (5/4)* and Tuesday (5/5) - Catch up days.
    • Google Meet Mondays at 10:40 (optional)
  • Friday (5/1) and Monday (5/6)  - Adding polynomials tutorial. 
  • Thursday (5/7) and Friday (5/8) - Subtracting polynomials tutorial.
*Meet link will appear on the RVH Algebra 1 CLT - Continuity of Education Google Classroom header (below the class code) shortly before 10:40 am on Monday and will disappear shortly after 11:00 am. These meetings are optional, and just an opportunity for you to get questions answered if needed. All Algebra 1 students from Riverside will share a common Meet.


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